Friday, January 22, 2016

Trying to help our orphanage...

For all of our regular blog readers you have seen many posts about our visits to the orphanage here called the Leamongetswe Safety Home, it is about half an hour from our house.

A generous friend of my parents (Jim) back in Illinois had heard about our trips to the orphanage and wanted to send them a donation.  I called the orphanage and they said, please buy us more bunk beds. We set up delivery of the beds and coordinated a linen drive with a bunch of families here so we could be sure they had linens for the new beds. When we visited to drop off the linens, the orphanage director was telling me about the increase in children they have had the past year.  She can't say no when new children come, so they are quickly running out of space and need funds to complete building two new bedrooms.  When you talk to this lady, you feel like you could be talking to Mother Theresa.  She started this entire place on her own and it is her life's work, she can tell you the story of how all the kids came to be there and I believe her when she says she can't say no, she has an amazing heart!
Katie with one of the little ones

Katie with a boy her age

The linens for the new beds
My neighbor Dawn made a follow on trip to the orphanage with me to bring her camera and photography skills.  She took amazing pictures which I used to build a You Caring Website.  We hope to raise enough money on the site to help them finish the bedrooms.  If that campaign is successful, we would then hope to do a follow on one to upgrade the playground, which is in rough shape. (as you will see in Dawn's photos)

Here is a link to the You Caring Website.

The main picture on the You Caring site shows the bunk beds purchased by a couple with a big heart in Illinois!

Here is a link to my friend Dawn's blog where she explains more about the orphanage and about the fundraiser and walks you through all of the photos she took.

Please share our fundraiser with anyone who might be willing to help us reach our goal!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Back in Africa & Dressed for the First Day of a new school year

We were sad to leave our family and friends, but thankful for a wonderful trip to the US and also that we survived the long flight.

We arrived Tuesday AM and here are the kids Weds AM, jet lagged but sporting their new uniforms.  Kelly (Grade 10) and Katie (Grade 8) have the straw hats which are new to the uniform this year, Katie also now wears a blazer as part of the Senior School.  Charlie( Grade 1) is wearing his tie, dress shorts and knee socks and black dress shoes. 

Today we listened to the radio to see if the winning powerball ticket was purchased at Logan Airport...but sadly it was not...that was one final purchase Greg made before we flew out!

Kids all are happily telling us about their new teachers and they are excited for a new year, we hope the excitement lasts!