Thursday, May 11, 2017

Settling in to the US

We are thrilled to be back home, we caught up with most of Greg's family for Easter and got to walk to the start of the Boston Marathon in Hopkinton one day early.

We went to the place that Charlie has been dreaming about since we left...Jim's Wheelhouse, it is a pizza and pinball place right by our place in NH that is owned by a retired Coastie.

Charlie wanted to ask Jim for a job emptying the change out of the machines.  He got to count the dimes out of the old machine and got twenty cents back to "test" the machine.  He was delighted to report to his sisters that he had a job!

He LOVES pinball and rides by on his bike almost daily to see when it is open again!

We had fun with visits from our old neighbors the Learys and hit the NH Children's museum with them.  Kids are learning how wonderful it is to see old friends!

Charlie's big buddy Jay arrived with a big surprise in tow for Charlie...he brought up his four wheeler and he was over the moon happy.

 They checked out the neighborhood and Charlie didn't stop smiling for two days straight!

Kids have spent one week at soccer camp at the University of New Hampshire.  They enjoyed playing soccer again and all the daily contests like best joke and best goal celebration dance.  Charlie won best joke for "What is the ....bagel?  A PLANE bagel. He also wore his WHPS soccer uniform, complete with tucked in WHPS shirt to proper school rules in SA.  He was the only kid on the field with a tucked in shirt!

We look forward to catching up with many, many more of our friends and family while we are home!