Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Fathers Day!

We hope all of you Dad's had a great day, no complaints here!  Greg and Charlie started the morning working on a model.
The kids had a great game of tennis, all the walls in our compound are very handy for tennis, then we headed to this cool place called Groenkloof Nature Reserve which is about 10 min from our new house.   At the place you can hike, mountain bike, ride horses and see giraffes, zebras.  We saw the giraffes from the road but didn't manage to find them once we were inside!  We got super close to a zebra who was on our trail while we hiked.  
We ate a nice picnic lunch and Greg had seen people driving through the park while we were hiking, so he asked and found out they were on a 4x4 nature driving trail.  He bought a pass and we headed out.  Charlie would ride his bike for a bit then we would have him jump in the car when he got tired.  The 4x4 trail was pretty calm at the start, then it got to a point where it had about 8 obstacles!  (built by the Jeep Company)  This is the part where kids need Dads...I would have never attempted it, it was CRAZY!!  We did the first few then decided maybe we had better not push our luck and pop a tire or something...the first was called Hippo's Hole where you drive through smelly, somewhat deep water and big rocks... we made it...
This was Greg checking out the sign before we went through.  We checked out the obstacle called Warthog Mud Hole-super deep hole-we did NOT attempt!!  Although the girls wanted us to try them all!
Charlie was inspired and jumped on his bike for some little jumps.  We thought of our New Hampshire buddies, George, Mikey & Caden would love this place!
The big bike rider!  This bike was too big for him when we left, now he rides it everywhere!
Other adventures this weekend, we went to our first "Braii" which is basically cookout in South Africa.  
It was hosted by an Australian couple who were wonderful hosts, great cooks and storytellers! We tried some classic South African dishes bobotie-meat pie, and boerwoers-spicy sausage. The girls know some of the dishes because they eat them at school for lunch.  Katie even got Greg some Biltong for Father's Day, its like beef jerky but everyone here eats it, kids share it with them during snack time at school.  We hope to host our new Australian buddies at our house soon, but first we must stock up on some wine!  There were no empty glasses at the table!

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