Tuesday, August 5, 2014

"We don't have earthquakes in South Africa" or so Kelly's 'Invigilator' (exam proctor) told her!

For those of you who might have heard on the news, we did have a tremor here today...a good distance from here was the epicenter, but we felt it!

I was sitting in my office chair plugging away on a flyer I said I would do for the church social committee's upcoming event, when the security cage-in photo- starts banging and everything is shaking.  I first looked to see if Charlie rode his bike into the gate, but he was across the room!  Colleen came downstairs and said she felt it too.  I was sure it was an earthquake...I did a quick internet search, no news, then on the local radio station they started talking about the tremor.  I thought of the girls at school and also Greg in the embassy with many floors...Kelly felt it and was taking her math exam, they weren't sure if it was kids running on the floor above them, but she asked if it was an earthquake she got the response above, followed by, "if we did I'd die"??We hope her exam proctor is just a volunteer and not a teacher!  We cracked up when she told us they call it an "Invigilator"-Greg thinks it sounds like a villan!  Katie never felt the earthquake, she was probably reading her book somewhere and never noticed!  Greg said they felt it at the embassy and the computers were going nuts.  We did here one poor guy near the epicenter died when a wall fell on him.
Here is Katie hard at work on a geography project due this week, school ends Friday for the term and they get about 5 weeks off-everyone excited for a long break!  Kelly is in the back making Auntie Julie's famous Chocolate Chip cookies (thanks for the lessons Maureen).  A new family is checking into the embassy and we want to have these at the airport to welcome them!
Charlie making forts with the couch cushions, the blue thing in the background is his secret fort under the stairs! (in the foreground is his bow and arrow set-always good to have close at hand) Our loaner pet hamster returned home today, so now Charlie is lobbying for his own hamster and a dog!

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