Thursday, September 25, 2014

Heritage Day's Newest Fans!

South Africa celebrates Heritage Day on Sept. 24, apparently it was a day to celebrate the Zulu king Shaka Zulu and as a compromise they kept as an official holiday and called it "Heritage Day" where people of the Rainbow Nation are supposed to celebrate their roots, whatever they may be.  In South Africa they love to cook out on grills which they call a "Braii", so a few year back they also declared this day National Braii Day as well.

All the schools were closed and all businesses so the kids made lots of suggestions (zip lining, skating) on how to spend our day, we tried to avoid big crowds and hit a homerun at the Land Rover Magazine 4x4 Heritage Day event.

It was in Pretoria at a pub called "Jock of the Bushveld" which we understand is named after a movie of the same title.  Behind the pub they have an actual 4x4 obstacle course, and for this day Land Rover brought in brand new cars and let you test drive them on their special obstacle course they set up.  To get to drive the $100,000 cars all you had just sign your name on their sheet-CRAZY!  Greg took them up on it and the kids happily jumped in the back.  They did the course twice, once with the instructor driving, the second with Greg driving.

We got to watch tons of vehicles do the obstacle course.  Here was a cool one, we decided that having an old Land Rover Defender would be the perfect New Hampshire vehicle for driving around up there!
Here is Charlie attempting the same obstacle!
Here are a few videos of the crazy obstacle course Greg got to drive, the one I thought was nuts is when one of the wheels totally pops up...

We also met some very nice South Africans at the event, one lady had lived in America for many years so she was tickled to hear our "accents".  We look forward to celebrating Heritiage Day again next year!

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