Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Nerd convention & Reliving our Glory Days

We went to this event called "ScopeEx" it was put on by a stargazing group to teach you more about telescopes, they had telescope building contests, sundials, science shows.  (Kelly and Katie decided it was a nerd convention)  Here are the kids wearing camera obscuras that a lady made.  Kelly got a birthday telescope so we thought it would be a good way to learn more about how to use it.

It was held at the South African Museum of Military History so Charlie liked seeing all of the tanks, and climbing on some of the things.  They even had a "War Store" that Papa O'Brien would have loved!  We went with our German friends and it was interesting to go through the store with a native German speaker who pointed out all of the various uniforms and things.
We also went to a Christmas in July party and Charlie was one of three Santas in attendance, who knew there were so many in July?
Charlie (8) & Katie (16) got to play hockey together, this was the game Katie figured out she could dominate and she scored a hat trick.

I also made the news at Charlie's school, Greg and I played in a parent's soccer game awhile back, I made quite a stir because they never had a lady play before-so strange still that girls don't really grow up playing soccer here!  You can see Greg and I in the top step in the photo, with one of our teammates between us.

Here is a link to the school article: http://www.whpsschool.com/whps-old-boys-events.html
We did well and made it to the final round.  My knees felt it for about a week!

Katie has had a three week mini soccer at her school, we watched her play at another South African school, here is what their bleachers look like, pretty cool with the thatch, huh?
Charlie & Kelly like the playground, those are classrooms in the background that all open onto the playground, South African kids are very close to the outdoors!
Lots of random updates, but I haven't written in awhile!

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