Friday, December 4, 2015

Water Fountains Here We Come!

About to leave the land of Rugby...

Charlie woke up the other morning and said..."Mom, I can't wait to go back to America for all the Water Fountains".  Mom..."Water fountains?"  Charlie, "Yes, like at the high school you worked at they had water fountains everywhere".   So, yes, he is correct, they do have water fountains everywhere in the good old USA...not so many here!   However, it wasn't quite at the top at the rest of our list!

He also said he can't wait to go to Germany because he can get the giant gingerbread cookies that you wear around your neck while you eat them!

Happy kids are done with school and we are frantically packing...can't wait!  However the weather here is in the 90's so we are packing winter coats, gloves, and sweaters...while we are wearing shorts and sandals.

We do have to share a few cool birds we have sighted, these two big guys were at the golf course by our house, they were hissing at us and lifting their wings when we got close to them.

Kelly was brave enough to take the picture, they are called spotted dikkops

This little guy is a crested barbet, there have been a few of them around our house lately, he is perched on one of our many walls!

Tomorrow night we head for the Christmas Markets of Germany!


  1. Safe travels Hughes family. Enjoy your trip to the good ole USA! How exciting for you all!

  2. Safe travels Hughes family. Enjoy your trip to the good ole USA! How exciting for you all!
