Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Eggs Eggs Eggs!

So my Mom and Sister Julie did some great shopping last year after Easter and got us well stocked for the Egg Hunt at the orphanage.  Here is Charlie getting ready to help stuff.  He had more fun playing than stuffing.  Kelly and Katie stuffed about 800 eggs.  We headed out there the day after Easter which is a holiday here called Family Day...we had a few other American families join us.  It was nice to share Family Day with all of our little friends...they knew we were coming and were waving to us when we pulled in!

Here was the moment they were waiting for...the start of the hunt for the big kids...we lost control at the gate this year...we made a note to do a staggered start next year!

 So my Mom sent a bunch of little prize type things like the bunny masks & ears.  We made some "Prize" slips and put them in the eggs.  We let the kids come and claim their prizes at the end.  Greg was handing them out when he realized he was getting some fake slips handed in... they said, "Price"..  You have to give the kids points for trying huh?

 Here is a happy guy- look at that smile!
 So any kid wearing a Boston shirt has to make the blog right?
We brought lots of crayons & sidewalk chalk and spent some quality time drawing.   I remember from teacher training about how you can learn so much from a child by looking at what they draw.
This little guy drew the egg hunt!
Here is his egg hunt picture up close-pretty cool to have inspired that huh?

Kelly made this boy's day by wheeling him down in his wheelchair and letting him sit in our friend Tanya's car!  He was in heaven!  We all left the orphanage with lots of ideas  on other fun things we can do for them, they are all such sweet kids and they love having people spend time with them.  

I've been a bit behind in my blog posts, (as my regular readers have noticed)  been tough on one leg and I haven't been carrying around my camera..Greg's sister Julie and her daughter Joanna visited...they went to Cape Town here are the girls enjoying amazing milkshakes at the V&A Waterfront.  The only picture Greg sent me from the entire weekend!

 We did one local game drive with Julie & Joanna, and they brought amazing luck, just inside the park we saw the Mom & baby Rhino cross the road right in front of us!! So incredible!

Heading off into the grass!  

The countdown is on for when I can drive and walk again...Greg is already claiming that he will have amnesia once that day comes, he will forget how to do everything like grocery shopping, cooking, driving the kids everywhere! I am so looking forward to being mobile again!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Learning New Things...

I am learning how to sit in the recliner and let the kids and Greg do everything.  Charlie wanted a grilled cheese yesterday so I talked him through making his own.  He did such a nice job I told him I'd try to get him a job at the "tuck shop" which is the snack shop at his school, where they make good toasted cheese sandwiches.

 He even cut it into the triangles!
Since I am sleeping downstairs, Charlie sleeps next to me on the aerobed, he decided to turn it into a fort!
He made his own swimming pool , since we don't have one.

SA does have its own town of Boston, forgot to put this in the last was a tiny place, not quite like our Boston!  It even had a little place called the Boston Tea Party, I wonder how many South Africans even know what that is?

Before break I went to the Valentine's tea for the Grade 8's at Katie's school. 
This is Inga, Katie's Matric, (a Senior), she is a great girl who also has a sister that is in Katie's class.  She is supposed to look out for Katie this year, her first year in the Senior school.  Kelly looks out for her too, so she is well taken care of.  Both girls are away at camps this week, they were excited to go.

I've been saving this photo, this is one of Greg's favorite things about living here, the movies are super cheap and if you go to the movies at one of the Menlyn Mall they have special parking spaces for people with Diplomatic plates, they move the cone and let you park right by the entrance.  Here was our van in the spot when we went to see the CG movie The Finest Hours.  We were the only former Coasties in the audience I'm sure!

I saved the best for last, on that trip to the movies, we learned that one man's shopping cart is another mans recliner!  There were two guys chilling here in both carts!  Katie gets the credit for getting the photo!

So next time you are out shopping and need a break you can go Africa style!