Tuesday, May 24, 2016

My nomination pays off!

As many of you faithful readers of the blog know we have volunteered at an orphanage here.  I regularly read the Sunday Times newspaper and they have been running a segment called the Heroes of South Africa where they ask for reader nominations of true heroes.  I thought there was no one more deserving than the orphanage director, and the newspaper agreed!

Click on the link below to read the full page story about her that was run this weekend!

Greg and crew of volunteers will be descending on the playground you see in the newspaper photos this weekend to make some much needed improvements.    A bunch of the boys are excited to help them, he is bringing nametags for all of them to wear!

I also have been running an online campaign to help them build some new bedrooms, many of you amazing people have already donated - thanks!  They still need more donations so its not too late!

Here is a link to the You Caring website

Friday, May 13, 2016

April Vacation Part 3- Southbroom

Greg returned from the Seychelles with special shirts for everyone, the Seychelle Islands are famous for a coconut tree that produces a nut with an interesting shape...the kids were thrilled with "butt nut" tshirts!

If you would like to read more about the tree, here is an article...http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/from_our_own_correspondent/9538059.stm

We were able to take a family trip to the beach for a few days to finish off the kids April vacation.  We went to Southbroom, a town South of Durban on the Indian Ocean.  The girls took a surfing lesson there last year and it was such a pretty spot we always wanted to return.

The beach did not disappoint, huge waves and a nice lagoon on the back side for Charlie who didn't want the huge waves.

We also got to play at the Southbroom golf course which has two holes right on the ocean.  On hole 4 you tee off with the waves crashing next to you!
Charlie came along and golfed a few of the holes.  He really likes to golf and ride in the cart!

Look at this incredible place right on the golf course!  Ocean views out the big windows, the one window looks like it had been replaced, some golfer must have been in trouble!

We left the beach and broke up our trip home with a stop in an area called the Midlands Meander.  It feels like Vermont.  Here is a view on the drive up to the goat cheese farm at the top of this mini mountain.

 We didn't realize it was a rough road to go up and it had rained all day, we thought the mini van might not make it, as we were driving up DJ Katie was playing the song from the latest James Bond, as our tires were spinning in some good red African dirt, the lyrics were "if I risk it all"....we all started laughing!  The cheese was worth the effort!

Look how it looks like fall!  (It is fall/early winter here) This was on our ride to the Nottingham Road Brewery.  

 At the bar at the brewery they had a plaque for Charlie's school, it is the one behind him on the right, it has a Whippet which is the school mascot.

We arrived at the place where we were supposed to stay and found out they were double booked, but it turned out to be lucky because instead we got to stay at a recently opened B&B which had two adorable dogs that Charlie loved.  Here he is with Thimble & Bobbin.  The owner had recently given up her sewing business. We had wonderful conversation by their very warm fireplaces and enjoyed our stay.  The girls didn't want to go either!
Back to ice hockey the next day, then school- term 2!  Charlie's smile will quickly turn to a frown!

Friday, May 6, 2016

April Vacation Part 2- Cape Town

Our friend Kelli said it best, heading to Cape Town which is SO different than Pretoria made it feel like two different vacations.  So for the last part of their visit we spent it by the sea.  Our friends from Pretoria had moved to Cape Town and they shared their incredible home with us for a few days.

They are steps off the beach in this beautiful little seaside town called Kalk Bay.

 Their house is straight out of a magazine!
 The kids liked walking down to the shops in the town.  Many bikers also ride the route, the girls were very excited to tell us about the sweaty biker they had snapped a photo of....see above!
 Kelly and I enjoyed watching sunrise or sunset from their deck!  Anything it was gorgeous!
 They had beautiful tall palm trees...
 These were the beautiful flowers at the bottom of the palm trees!
 Kelly & Mason riding the big red bus...they give you earphones & tell you about the area.  Katie read her book, she said it was her third trip on the bus so she knows the narration by now. We did a nice stop at the V&A Waterfront, but before that Charlie and I jumped out at his favorite cool playground.  The rain came and soaked us and we had to get back on the bus.  I couldn't run to catch it with my bad ankle so he had to zoom ahead and stop the bus for us, he did it and was so proud! All the passengers smiled at us when we got on, they must have watched him running for a block or so!
Our friend Jake loved the World of Birds and Monkeys so we decided to get off the bus there.  We missed the monkeys but the birds were everywhere and you walk through their cages.  The girls thought the owls were creepy.
 I don't know what this guy is called but look at the colors!
 This ones for you James Barata...I think these are your scarlet ibis from the National Zoo!!
 We were in the "cannot control" must turn back group...especially with the one in the photo!
Another great South Africa sign...maybe its good the monkey cage was closed for the day.

They had these cool flowers all around and even for sale.  The flowers here are really like nowhere else!

We went to see the penguins on our last day there with Kelli & Mason, it was crazy windy as a big storm was approaching.  The seas were incredible.  These penguins were hanging out in the ladies room to get out of the wind!

Watch this little guy hop and Charlie says he needs to learn how to read!

Sadly it was time for Kelli & Mason to head back home, we were sad to see them go but glad they came and had us go to so many incredible places!

 Our friends live down the street from the most amazing surfing beach in Muizenberg.  They spend Sat mornings with wetsuits and boogie boards.  The Hughes kids were only too happy to join them.  What a beautiful way to spend a Saturday morning.  No dashing out of the house for a morning soccer game...just surf pace, we drank coffee and people watched...incredible!
 Kelly & her buddy Eloise.
 Charlie devours a chocolate croissant bigger than his head!
 Here comes twin trouble!!
 After the big storm we went down to the tide pools.  Great shells to collect & happy kids!
 Happiest kid here getting to borrow some motorcycle gear for a quick photo shoot!
 He liked this helmet the most!
A final dip in the pool, we were all sad to go home and leave our friends and their little slice of paradise!  

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

April Vacation- Part 1

The kids have a long break between school terms and it coincided perfectly with Massachusetts school vacation, we were lucky to have our friends Kelli & Mason come for a visit. i got cleared to walk and drive on my ankle the day before they arrived. They were excited to see SA and we packed a ton into a short visit.  Our first part was animals of all sorts up by our place in Pretoria.  Mason is a dedicated animal lover and she was in heaven.

We found some rhinos at Rietvlei (game park right near our house) when we stopped on our way home from the airport, these guys come to the coffee shop to eat hay.

Kelly wanted to have her birthday party while Mason was here, so with lots of help from our visitors and especially Katie who made mocktails, here was an emoji party,
 Ice Hockey & Emoji cake made by a talented lady (not me)!
 Sign says mocktails-Katie made good kids drinks all night, most popular was the Deep Blue Sea which is served with a Swedish Fish candy floating inside.
 Favors made by Kelly & Katie, they worked on this for days, good they had vacation to make them!

Charlie declaring which parts of the cake he wants!  Kelly and her friends had a great time, they especially liked trying American S'mores that Kelli had brought all the ingredients from the US. 
 (you can't get graham crackers here)

We also visited the lemurs at this place called Besters Birds.  For an extra 30 rand (about $2)  you get to go in the lemur cage and feed them!

I made the mistake of sitting near Charlie, lemurs loved him and ate from his food, but really didn't come to me!  He was just the right size!
We hit the road with Kelli & Mason and went to the Ann Van Dyk Cheetah Center to see the cheetah run.  It was something to watch them go!  We did the run first then did a game drive through the farm and saw tons of wild dogs and cheetahs.  At the end we got to pat the cheetah for a moment which we thought was special until we went to our next stop which was INCREDIBLE!

My friend told me about this lion place called Ukutula.  I wish we had learned about it when we first arrived because it really was AMAZING!  We want all of our visitors to come back so we can take them there!
We arrived and got to go on the animal interaction where they take you to see each of the different types of animals.  They start with the baby lion cub...he had us at Hello!

 We played with him for a bit then got to go on to other areas where they had different animals.  At one point he jumped on Charlie and gave him a little bite, didn't break the skin but left a mark.  We were telling Charlie he can tell people he got bit by a lion...and survived!  Here is a photo of his arm...the lion mark is the vertical one, the horizontal marks are from the day before when he crashed into a tree-rough being a six year old boy!

The next group was the "Devils" which were slightly older lion and tiger cubs.  Charlie couldn't go in with them because they thought he was food...

 There were a few meerkats, always make me think of that Meerkat Manor tv show...
 Kelly got to lay down with one of the big cheetahs inside their cage...Charlie and I waited outside because all of the bigger grown animals stalked him, they would follow him along the fence.  They really wanted to have him for an afternoon snack!  

We spent the night at the lion place and got to hear them roaring at different points of the night and the morning, was something to hear!  We had a nice fire and cooked out that night.  In the morning Kelli, Mason & Kelly went walking with the lions. They said it was a pretty amazing experience.

Before we left we got to go and have one more visit with the baby lion, this time we stayed for almost an hour until he got tired.  I learned what retractable claws were, and got to see them retracting before my eyes-watch the video and you'll see them come in and out!
 Mason & the baby...
i love this action photo of Kelli the lion tamer!

We finally said goodbye to Ukutula, and can't wait for a future visit!  From there we drove on to Pilanesburg Park and got to do some game drives.  We managed to find tons of giraffe and two rhinos right near the road and on the second day we also found some elephants.

The kids loved the place where we stayed it had a giant pool and you could rent bikes.  Charlie and Katie skipped the game drives to hang out at the place.  We headed home to repack our bags for our next adventure which was Cape Town...stay tuned for part 2!