Tuesday, May 24, 2016

My nomination pays off!

As many of you faithful readers of the blog know we have volunteered at an orphanage here.  I regularly read the Sunday Times newspaper and they have been running a segment called the Heroes of South Africa where they ask for reader nominations of true heroes.  I thought there was no one more deserving than the orphanage director, and the newspaper agreed!

Click on the link below to read the full page story about her that was run this weekend!

Greg and crew of volunteers will be descending on the playground you see in the newspaper photos this weekend to make some much needed improvements.    A bunch of the boys are excited to help them, he is bringing nametags for all of them to wear!

I also have been running an online campaign to help them build some new bedrooms, many of you amazing people have already donated - thanks!  They still need more donations so its not too late!

Here is a link to the You Caring website

1 comment:

  1. That is an amazing article. great job highlighting the orphanage and the work that is being done there.....you rock!
