Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Fun February

Charlie was so excited to go to his first "kissing booth", his favorite puppy Isaac who is a guide dog in training was in a kissing booth at the mall, so we went to support the cause.

Blue Man Group came to South Africa and we were happy to take the kids to the show at Monte Casino, which is about half an hour from our house.
The show had changed a bit since Greg and I saw it in Chicago in the late 90's.
Big balls at the end...
Our kids loved it and Charlie (with the drummers) said he is going to take his kids when he is a Dad.

Our friend Erica came back to visit after she finished up a volunteering trip in Tanzania.  Our other friend Sarah flew up from Cape Town.  Right after they arrived we went to a friends fabulous 40th Birthday Party, here is Greg and all of us!
We needed to do something fun and we decided that the only thing better than one houseboat was two we headed back to the Vaal River.
Ladies boat!
Greg also had a friend from work in town and so we had a boy boat.
We had fun racing up the river together and anchoring out at night.

We dropped one anchor and moored the boats alongside each other for the night.   I loved seeing Erica's smiling face out the window in the morning!
We awoke to a nice rainy morning, where the only one moving was Charlie trying to fish.

We had a lazy breakfast and sadly turned our boats to head back.
Swatch buddies!
So sad to say farewell, but we look forward to seeing Erica & Sarah somewhere amazing next!

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