Thursday, August 31, 2017

An Excellent Day in Antwerp

Charlie's hoping one day soon he'll have a real dog to recreate this statue with!
We had a free Saturday before the rush of school and hopped on a train bound for Antwerp.  Armed with our Rick Steve's book that gave a suggested walking route and Charlie with his scooter we set off.

We first found the amazing train station that was where the Sound of Music flashmob was filmed...
here is a link to it if you haven't seen it...was done in 2009!

What a beautiful place!
Charlie found this chocolate fountain fruit stop!
The clock inside...

I wanted them to dance but they wouldn't!

Ferris Wheel outside the train station..

Street musicians all along our walk, playing cool instruments.

We stopped in the Chocolate Line to see the kitchen of course!  (and have a little taste)

They thought of Colin Leary with this chocolate statue!
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The chocolate shop was in a former palace that Napoleon had owned at one time, so here is he is made of chocolate!

We find a cool spinny chair for Charlie to check out.

Spinny chairs work for Charlie, Beer Festivals work for Greg...we happened to stroll through one that went for several of course we joined in the fun!  

We even saw this thing go by, a pedal yourself party bus...there is a big table in the center to hold your beer!  I look forward to trying this another day!

The girls doing one of their famous instagram photo shoots...they do this everywhere we go...gotta have some pictures!

Cool goddess on top of a building..right out of a Percy Jackson book!

City Hall and the statue from Flemish folklore of a Roman Soldier who cuts off the giants hand and is about to throw it back in the river.

A cool statue on a building, photographed by Kelly. She brought her good camera on the trip and most of the photos in this post are hers.  We are a good team, she likes to take the pictures and I write about them!

We headed home on the train, tired but happy to have had such a fun day exploring...

I almost forgot...a new blog I could write would be women in uncomfortable shoes...I continue to be amazed at what I see ladies wearing, especially to walk on such uneven ground...see below!
 Glad she gets to step over the hoses too, the cobblestone isn't enough of a challenge!

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