Sunday, October 15, 2017

A Visitor from Home-Yippee!

Our friend Eric from the US had to come this way for work, so we were thrilled he came to spend the weekend with us.

Prior to his arrival, Charlie and I had been riding on the tram when a lady got on with a Giant Teddy Bear (sorry no photo).  I began calling it the big pink teddy bear and I dared him to go past and touch it.  He did touch it but didn't know the story of the big pink teddy bear...which is Eric's specialty from years of camping trip ghost stories with our kids and his kids.  Charlie wanted me to tell him the story, but I made him wait for the here is Charlie hearing the Big Pink Teddy Bear...

 Look at the smile!

There is nothing like a good story!

Eric was a trooper and came to school to see Katie's soccer game then in the evening we headed out for an excellently researched pub crawl led by Greg.  We sampled some great Belgian beers in some very unique pubs- each one different than the one before!  I didn't bring my camera along, so no photos to share, but we have a good list for our future visitors that might like to recreate it!  

Greg and Eric also went to see Waterloo, it is less than half an hour from our house.  The museum was redone for 200th Anniversary in 2015 and they reported that it was well done. 

We look forward to when all the Bodenhoffers come for a visit and we hope more of our friends will have work trips this direction! 

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