Wednesday, November 8, 2017

End of October Whirlwind!

Oct was fun and crazy for us.  We finally got our own dog...we adopted little Louna, a 3 year old sweetheart and she has charmed her way into all of our hearts.

Charlie is most delighted and says he now is never alone, always has a friend, and he likes to just talk to her!  He carries her whenever he can and she never seems to mind-amazing!

Living in Europe is great because she can go everywhere with us, on the tram, the train, into restaurants, this is good because Louna doesn't like to stay home alone!

We also had our Halloween party, not quite as big as last year, but the word had not got out in Brussels year-look out.  Even Kelly & Katie's friends that came had fun.  Here was the 2nd grade crowd's favorite costume of the night!

We traveled to Frankfurt, Germany to see Katie play soccer there, on the way we got to see the Barata family who are currently living in the Netherlands with the Coast Guard.  They are renting a very cool old house there...

We also stopped to visit a very cool castle in the town of Eppstein on the way home from Frankfurt.

 From the top of the castle...Greg & Katie being goofy.
Down the town street to the castle...could have been in some theme park-but its real!

Greg's sister Joanne and her family came to visit us for the kids fall break which was Halloween week. Stay tuned for an update on all of our adventures with them! (I have to sort through all the photos)

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