Tuesday, January 16, 2018

In Search of the Sun!

We headed off to the South Coast of France in the hopes of feeling the sun on our faces for a few days.  Here is the border into France, you just drive right through.

We were looking at 12-hour ride, so our first night's stop was in Lyon, France.  A beautiful old city in between two rivers. 

We got there with enough time to explore the first of many Roman ruins on this trip. 

Here they had a amphitheater.  It was pretty hilly on the way up and Charlie whined so much that a family stopped and asked us if they could point us in the right direction!  He turned into Spiderman when we actually made it to the top!

 Lyon has a mini Eiffel Tower, here is a photo.
There was a beautiful cathedral at the top of the hill,
with a very cool sign for Christmas that said "Merci Marie"  You could see it from very far away!
A very cool night view the ferris wheel changed colors every few seconds.
Lyon is a foodie city, it was fun to look at all that was on offer in the butcher's windows.
Charlie was very excited about his bed in the hotel room, he climbed up and down about 50 times, then decided he needed to sleep with Katie. 
Big sister of the year award I'd say!

We got on the road early, excited to get to the coast...but first we had to stop and see Greg's Roman ruins near Nimes...stay tuned!

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