Thursday, February 1, 2018

Arles and Nimes...two more Roman stops on our way home

We read that the weekend market in the town of Arles in Provence was supposed to be great, so we made a beeline for it.  It was a few hours drive and we made it with a tiny bit of shopping time before it shut down.  No photos-too busy shopping!

The linens, flowers, food, all were beautiful and fun to look at!  Greg opted to go see the Roman Coliseum instead of shopping and he was glad he did...he liked it better than the next one we saw in Nimes.

 Here is the inside..
 We met up with him outside...
 Cool houses all surrounding the Coliseum.
This one is so cute with the colors!

Our next stop was only a few minutes away, the town of Nimes.  To our delight there was a ferris wheel right next to the coliseum there and the kids said if we went up we'd be able to see inside.  We thought that was a brilliant idea.

You have to love dog-friendly Europe...even Louna got to ride the Ferris wheel...she is a pretty brave little dog!
 Greg thought that this one didn't charm him quite as much as the other one, maybe because the stones are more restored?
From there we headed for home and stopped one last night in a cool town called Beaune.  It was an old walled city with ramparts and a moat.  We arrived late and left early...but we want to go back.  They even have a famous wine auction there as its the heart of the Burgundy wine maybe I'll go and stock up the cellar!  (no photos but next time)

All in all a fabulous adventure to the South of France!  I am happy to finally finish writing about this trip it has taken me forever as I've been job hunting again.  My contract with USAID ended yesterday...  that is one downside to this lifestyle...always starting new jobs for me!

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