Sunday, March 4, 2018

Sledding in a time warp!

We have had miserable cold weather...the worst in my book because its just cold without snow.

To pass the time and not freeze we went to an old windmill museum right in a neighborhood in Brussels.  The current exhibit was all about potatoes, and since Belgians love their frites, it was very appropriate. However it was all in French without English we got bits & pieces out of the exhibits!
 Most restaurants do bring the frites in little stand up cones like these below...
 We thought this was a cool idea but aren't sure it ever worked?

On Friday right before the kids came home from school, it snowed and it started sticking...we packed up our sleds, and a bunch of Kelly's friends that came home with her on the bus and headed to the big park that has cool sledding hills.  (Katie missed the fun because she was playing basketball in Frankfurt, Germany and was away until Saturday.)

The pond was partly iced over...Charlie had to go test the ice a bit...
 The sleds we brought down to the park were ones we had brought with us from the US...what I wasn't prepared for was to be the only people there with modern sleds...people were asking us where we bought them...most people had old wooden are some photos of what we saw...
One kid was sledding on the white plastic sheet blowing in the wind above!

This kid looks like he is right out of an old Christmas movie

Charlie getting ready to do his next run...notice the sled next to him!
The snow only lasted for a day, then it melted...glad we didn't miss it!  I guess I could start a sled import business...if only it snowed enough here...and if I could speak some French...I start French lessons tomorrow- four hours a day for the next few weeks- off to get some rest to get my brain ready!

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