Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Spring Gardens- 2 Spectacular Visits

One weekday a few friends and I went to Hallebos forest about 30 minutes from Brussels it is also known as the Blue Forest.  The forest turns blue when the bluebells or wild hyacinth flowers bloom under the tall trees.  Here was what we found...
 Very beautiful, and we were lucky to be there when it wasn't totally packed full of people!

Only after we left did a friend tell me that the creator of the Smurfs was from the town of Halle which is right next door...I finally understood (after all these years) why the smurfs were blue!!  (the flowers are a blue/purple and the tall trees certainly look like the old cartoons)

May 1, is the May Day holiday here (kind of like American Labor Day) we all had the day off. We drove to the Netherlands to visit the famous Kuekenhof Gardens where the tulips grow.  I was worried about how bad the crowds and traffic would be, especially on a public holiday, but the weather was cold which kept many people away.  Fortunately, the tulips were in full bloom and it was spectacular to see! 

 All around they had beautiful outdoor garden displays...

 Thought my parents would get a kick out of where these flower bulbs were from!
 A display of all the styles of wooden shoes...
 You could climb up into the windmill which was turning, see all the gears and look out at the bulb fields.
 They had indoor greenhouses too, this one was full of orchids, I thought these were pretty amazing!

 You could buy fresh strawberries and cream...we packed a picnic but these strawberries looked so pretty!
 So many varieties of tulips...these were getting ready to bloom but we liked the name!
 These looked like rocket ships!
 Rows of gorgeous flowers...as far as your eye can see!

 Lots of cool spaces for Charlie to explore, so he wasn't miserable!

 We had some friends come along for the day...
 This cool display was in the cut flower house...

 A bulb field right outside the entrance in full bloom!
We got a kick out of the McDonalds outside the gate, even that was on a beautiful canal!

Now we know why Kuekenhof is called the gardens of Europe and we are lucky to have seen it in full bloom!

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