Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Final Madrid Memories

I find that my time to post has greatly increased in the time I've been keeping this blog!  I used to be so speedy in getting all the writing done, now it seems like it takes me forever!  Yet, I don't want to leave out the good here are some final things from our Madrid trip.

We went to the telephone company building because it had an Instagram exhibit.  Kelly and Katie are big Instagrammers so we had to see it.  It had some nice photos, but the best part was the rest of the building. It had amazing things on each floor.  The top floor was all about Artificial Intelligence, and it had a part where you stood in front of the camera and it analyzed you.
I'm sure the analysis said this poor girl has a Crazy Little Brother!
Inigo got analyzed too, not sure what the computer thought of his dancing moves!
Charlie looks like something right out of his spy books!
The next floor had an amazing robot exhibit, it had every robot you can think of and most exciting for me they had the Nao robots that I had come to the Wakefield schools back in the day.  After I had them come to the schools kids would stop me in the halls and tell me they were saving up for one!
A Nao robot, from Aldebaran Robotics-I went to their Boston office!

I had a Mr. Machine and I was excited to show Charlie my robot!
 The next floor down had a whole exhibit of phones from the early days to today.  They also had a section on military communications, which included a few Enigma machines. I don't think I've ever actually seen one before, so that was cool to see! 
Enigma, through the glass case....sorry about the reflection!
Inigo told us about his favorite place that according to him was "more Spanish than the King of Spain".  That was our next stop...

Outside Inigo's place

Again just so amazing to see him after so many years and hear all about the great things that he has been up to!
Inigo ordered enough food for an army...we couldn't even eat any more by the end.  We loved trying it all and we discovered that Charlie is a huge fan of paella...

I had to get a few pictures of just the decor, it was awesome!

Inigo had to go and we were sad to say goodbye but we hope to see him soon in Brussels!  Now I'll have to be on a hunt to find a place that is "more Belgian than the King of Belgium"!  

We spent the rest of the afternoon trying to find some basketball shoes for our birthday girl, we didn't have much luck but we did like this giant department store...

No, this is not an amusement park...this is the outside of the big department store a lady in a shoe store sent us to!

Charlie heard there were toys inside!

We struck out on finding girls basketball shoes...just like our experience in Brussels last year, they do have basketball shoes, but only Mens is big in Europe, but any girls that play have to buy Mens shoes!  (or ship some in from the US...that was our new plan)

We wandered and snacked for the rest of the night and finally went back to our place late, we stayed out and knew that we had a very early trek to the airport in the morning, we were all sad to say goodbye to Madrid-what a fun city!

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