Thursday, July 4, 2019

Midshipman 4/c Hughes

Kelly started a very exciting adventure as a plebe or 4/c at the US Naval Academy.  Dad flew back with her and they got to visit with family, go house-hunting up in Maine.
Fitting with the flag in the background-thanks Papa!

They caught a few minor league baseball games, stayed with Greg's awesome cousin and her family and then Induction Day ("I"Day) was here.  Kelly was dreading it, but also ready to just get going with it after thinking about it and preparing for so long.

This will be our new hometown team-Portland Sea Dogs!
She found out in March that she was accepted.  However, she had been planning for this for a very long time. She recently got a letter in the mail from her awesome middle school teachers, they saved the letters this entire time, then mailed them to the kids at graduation.  In her letter to herself she talked all about going to an Academy.  (thanks great Galvin teachers Amy Sweeney & Liz Doucette)

 Our friend from Brussels was at the Academy right before I Day and he picked this up in the store and brought one back...has all the names-somewhere around 1000!

So cool!
 The Navy takes some pictures and posts them, after you scroll through them all you might get lucky and find a few of your is Kelly saluting on the first day.

Here she is picking up all of her gear...they gave them trolleys to wheel everything around on.
 After taking the Oath, Greg gets to see her for a few minutes..

Proud Dad!

Here is the great class of 2023!  Again this one was taken by the Navy.
After they said farewell, they formed up and they all march into the hall and they close the big door.  I guess they don't walk out the door again until they graduate!  Greg said everything was very impressive and he was kind of thinking maybe he should have considered Navy all those years ago!  He also had a lonely ride back to the airport the next day, he missed his travelling buddy!

Kelly can't have any communication with us except for a few phone calls, we look forward to talking to her this Sunday.  We have been trying to write her lots of letters as mail means so much that first summer.

We have been adjusting to our quieter, emptier house, Katie doesn't know what to do with her own floor and not having anyone "borrow" some of her clothes or makeup, but she is also missing her gossip buddy!  Charlie has been shedding some tears for his big sister on occasion, Kelly said, "I didn't know he cared!"   I have been reflecting on how fast 18 years really does go and I am happy that we did make the most of I have to remember that with the other two.

So the only way to close is what we have been told as new parents...Go Navy Beat Army!

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