I would write about all of the adventures we have had, but Myev keeps a great family travel blog of their adventures, so rather than recreate the wheel...I'll just let you check out hers...the only part we didn't join them for was their trip to Cape Town, the kids had school. However, they now share our opinion that Cape Town is an incredible city.
Here is the crew standing on the bridge into Kruger, with hippo and crocodiles in the river behind them!
A few photos from our close up encounters with animals during our stay in a neighborhood right outside Kruger where the animals wander through...we had zebra checking out what Greg was grilling...
Katie, Charlie and I got out near some giraffe, Google turned 3 photos into a little animation, now I need a caption that tells what Katie said to the giraffe to make him wander away!
Finally a 4th of July party at the community center party, we helped decorate, this is the part Charlie & Katie worked hard on...
We look forward to more visitors and are so happy that our friends were able to make the long trip!
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