Monday, March 23, 2015

Chariots of Fire!

Charlie had an Athletics day at school which was a mini track meet.  When he put on his outfit Greg said, "Its Chariots of Fire".  The last race of the day was a long loop around the school for some of the older boys, what warmed my heart was when a bunch of boys ran out to help the last runner finish.  The announcer pointed out that is the WHiPS really is a very special school.  As you can see from the photo Charlie is now in the blue house, he was sorted just like Harry sorting hat though, our notification came home on a sticker.

Another cool event at Charlie's school was the family camp out, it was an entire day affair with bounce houses on the field all afternoon for the kids, then families pitched tents in the field and cooked out for dinner.  We brought S'More ingredients including the giant campfire marshmallows we ship in, the kids had never seen giant American marshmallows, they were a big hit.
Kelly & Katie setting up camp...better after a run home, the first attempt we realized we left the tent poles in the garage!

Settling in for the night...only Dad, Charlie & Katie slept over, Kelly and I got to sleep in our soft beds!

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