Monday, March 30, 2015

Easter Bunnies!

The embassy hosted a kid's Easter party over the weekend.  The Easter Bunny that visited was our very own Kelly.  She was a trooper for wearing the hot costume!
Charlie got inspired and made his own costume when we got home and an egg carton basket, no plastic Easter grass to be found here so he cut up green paper.  

An awesome package of Easter goodies arrived from our friend Mary in the states-she sent some grass!  (thanks Mary)  She also sent egg dye, the only problem is the only eggs they sell here are brown eggs, Charlie asked if she sent any white eggs?  

In addition to her debut as the bunny, Kelly also turned 14 and we had a great Paris themed party for her.  Katie did all the decorations and wanted it to be super fancy, I think we could actually be one of those people that posts photos on Pinterest with this one!

Kelly had a great party and is happy to have a new group of friends here, although she really wanted all of her buddies at home to come to her party!

One last party photo, Katie got invited to a Great Gatsby themed birthday party, we had fun dressing her up, it turned out the girl needed no decorations, her house could have been the set from the movie, she really lives in a beautiful castle! Katie once read a book about a girl who had an amazing birthday party, I told her she now lived the book!
We hope all of your Easter preps are going well!  I'm gearing up to make my Greek Easter bread!

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