Tuesday, October 6, 2015

USA! USA! Rugby World Cup Fever!

We have been caught up in the Rugby World Cup, something we have never paid much attention to before! The boys at Charlie's school wear their Springbok rugby jerseys on Fridays and its a sea of green. (called Bok Fridays on the radio, etc)
Tomorrow night is when Team USA plays South Africa. We will watch the game at Charlie's friend's house.

They don't really celebrate the big game with buffalo chicken & nachos...in fact they really don't know what real nachos are (there are no Tostitoes in South Africa)!

Here is an ad for Rugby party supplies in the paper...
It is for Biltong-dried meat that is everywhere here!  Also Castle beer.  Charlie went to school the other day eating biltong for breakfast, thankfully no Castle!

Here he is in his Springbok shirt, although tomorrow he will cheer on Team USA!
May the best team win!

1 comment:

  1. We went to one of the Wold Cup Rugby matches back in 2007! So much fun! Doug has been watching this year too. Enjoy!
