Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Ready for Trick or Treaters!

My office hosts the trick or treating for the kids tomorrow...Katie did some internet research to see what we could do, Kelly, Charlie & I helped implement her vision...the office entrance above is what we started with...
We finished with the Castle of Doom!!!  

It's been very crazy & busy for us..Greg and the girls went to Botswana at the end of last week.  The girls got to take the Number One Ladies Detective Agency Literary Tour, where the guide showed them the parts of Gabarone where the scenes from the book happened.  No photos to share..sorry!

Mike & Molly arrived and brought some good animal viewing luck.. On our first trip to the reserve right by our house we found two rhino sleeping under a shady tree right next to the road!!!

Then we headed to Adventures with Elephants...where they got to see a 16 day old baby elephant!! Nothing cuter!  Charlie, Katie and I bailed out at a waterpark on the way, we had a fabulous time swimming but Katie was sad to miss the baby!  Kelly took this photo...probably good Katie wasn't there or she'd be asking for one for her birthday!
We found a great restaurant to eat at on our way home, they had all the South African favorites, even Vetkoek with mince...we know what our friend Eric would have ordered!  (Greg ordered it in his honor-its  like a sloppy joe but in a piece of fried bread).
Mike was brave enough to sample another South African dish called Bunny Chow!

Charlie was so distracted by the motorcycle that he hardly ate...he tried on all Mike's motorcycle gear when we got home, he is already written his Christmas list for Santa (and tucked it in his travel bag) of the list is the motorcycle helmet!  He wants a dirt bike or motorcycle but I told him Santa doesn't bring that kind of thing!

He asked the guy if the motorcycle was for sale...luckily the man said no!  (saved lots of whining!)

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