Friday, November 6, 2015

Halloween After Action Report

We did a great job of celebrating Halloween in a country that doesn't understand it!  We had a Halloween party and did a spooky haunted house a few weeks before, did trick or treating at my office, then we set up our own trick or treating loop in our neighborhood that the kids did on Halloween night. Here we are getting started on Halloween night.

Charlie is a shadow.he had a hood that covered his entire head..Katie is a mime!

The two teenage witches!

Candy trading time!

We also went to our friends medieval festival again this year and Mike & Molly came along too...the highlight was seeing the Swiss Choir and the guy play the instrument from the Riccola commercial!!

 Kelly gets the credit for this photo...the guy in front of us in the cake line was wearing these!
We dropped Mike & Molly off at their hotel to start their amazing motorcycle adventure, here is Charlie standing next to their bike.. .the rest of the bikes are for the other people on the tour.  (Charlie would have gladly taken any of them)
The kids gave Halloween a bigger thumbs up than last year, but they still think nothing is better than trick or treating on Stark Ave!!!

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