Friday, July 1, 2016

Wonder of the World Here We Come!!

We are heading North to see Victoria Falls, in a giant driving camper.  Vic Falls is about a 15 hour ride from here and we will break it up by staying two nights in Botswana on the way to Zambia.

The falls lie between Zambia and Zimbabwe and there is great debate over which side is better to see the falls from.  Kind of like Niagara Falls and US side vs. Canadian, right?  They say Vic Falls moves twice as much water as Niagara Falls, hard to imagine!

I've been preparing for the trip by reading the Number One Ladies Detective Agency which was written about Gabarone, Botswana.  In the book, the detective lady is driving on the same road we will go on, when she hits a large snake in the road and it ends up under her hood..I'll be keeping a sharp eye out for snakes!  (we did hit a snake on our trip to the mountains,  we checked later and did kill him, he was also just a non-poisonous little river snake)

I will try to post photos from the is our camper getting ready to go...

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