Sunday, September 17, 2017

8 is Great!

Just like that Charlie turned 8!  We celebrated his actual birthday a day two days early and spent Saturday doing what he wanted.  This meant two trips to the skatepark to ride his new trick scooter and having pizza and ice cream.  (more photos of the trick scooter to come)

His real birthday was on a Monday, he wanted to bring in rice krispie treats for his class (my personal shopping victory was finding American marshmallows in the supermarket-this was a major score-I have only found them on an endcap in one random store).

Last Saturday we invited his entire class for his party and a few neighborhood kids.  We chose a theme near and dear to Charlie's heart...a dog party.  With no dog of our own we borrowed one to be our guest of honor.  Here is Charlie and Olivia

Dogbone cake, chocolate with chocolate icing...everyone helped, Katie and her friend baked, Kelly and I frosted, and Charlie did the M&M's and Oreos.

 Everyone adopted their own dog before they went home...
Here are all the dogs waiting to be adopted.

 The pinata...

I had counted on Kelly to be the photographer...but she hurt herself coming home from soccer practice...she spent the party in her room with a hurt foot... the next day we learned she broke a bone in her foot.  It's been a real bummer, she was so excited for her first soccer game on the school team and instead she spent it on crutches.  So I am back to being a taxi and counting down the days until Kelly can get back to walking and playing sports again!

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