Monday, September 25, 2017

A new Burger King and Car Free Day in Brussels

As we have been driving to school we pass a shopping area where they have been building a new Burger King.  Charlie always asks to stop and we tell him it isn't open yet.

One day when I passed by they were doing a grand opening...we went on our way home from school.

Excellent entertainment...they went with a Cowboy/Wild West theme...because nothing says America like a mechanical bull,
Fake covered wagon (with what looks like Native American jug/ baskets sitting on it??? I have to give Katie all the credit for pointing that out! 

Dancing cowboys and cowgirls (who probably were exotic dancers by night) We realized that we never took a picture, we were simply too busy enjoying the spectacle.
We are happy to have a Burger King close for a taste of home when we need it!

Brussels also did a cool thing where for one Sunday they declare it a car free day.  Everyone is supposed to ride a bike, scooter, or public transportation which is free for the whole day.  We headed out with Charlie's bike and scooter, met up with another family and headed to the area of town where they had a bike circus.

Our first spectacle when we came off the metro was people tightrope/slackline walking between tall buildings-crazy!

Our next adventure was a slow bike race for Charlie- the goal of a slow bike race is to be the last one to cross the finish line.  Happy to report that Charlie won his race and got a few he is pulling to the back of the competition.

The kid on the left was already out as he had put his foot down, once you touch the ground you are out.
 We saw some professional bike riders do a trick show, Charlie and his friend LOVED it.
 Charlie got to try some ramps, note the fancy chocolate shop in the background!  Leonidas is a big one around Brussels.
Katie gets into the action and rides Charlie's bike for a bit.  On the same street there were two kids playing chess in the middle of the street-just because they could for one day!

 One sporting goods store had a demo area where you could try out equipment, Charlie tried a skateboard.
 Charlie and his neighborhood buddies!
We live near a beautiful fountain that is in the center of a VERY busy rotary, so generally the fountain is something you look at but never go close to.  However for car free day we were able to go out in the middle of the rotary and check out the fountain.  Here is my neighbor and I and the kids.  She is another Illinois girl who has been living in Brussels for many she became my tour guide for the day!

We look forward to another car free day of exploring next year and know Kelly will enjoy it then because she won't be stuck on crutches!

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