Thursday, March 14, 2019

Day 5-Agora & The Greeks Built it Better!

Our final day we visited the Ancient Agora.  Once again we learned we should be proud of our fellow Americans. Back in the 1950s, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens restored many parts of the Agora.  (an old church & the building that is now the museum)

They also planted all the beautiful trees and flowers that we were lucky enough to enjoy on our walk through.

I thought this was a gorgeous design and it was just standing next to the old church!

More cabinets full of old pieces & parts!  Again the Greeks have the challenge of storing all the ancient treasures!

What is this thing you might wonder? 

A baby toilet of course!! Charlie loved this!
 This was the Greeks answer to a voting hanging chads here!

These were the names of the undesirables!  Bottom 5 in peer evals...right Coasties?

Kelly is inspired and there is no one to yell at us for posing like the statues!

A real Spartan shield, to match Charlie's sweatshirt!!

For Papa Hughes...a baby pull toy, but not made of wood but clay!!
 The real draw of the Agora is to see the Temple of Hephaestus, which is a temple that is still mostly intact.  It has its roof, columns and interior sections. It gives you a much better idea what the inside of the other temples would have looked like.
At the corner of the temple!

A view of the Acropolis from the Agora, so you can get some perspective as to where it is in relation to the hill.
 We leave the Agora and walk through the remains of Hadrian's Library.

We passed this almost every day in our various walks it is Arch of Hadrian
Another view of the top of arch when the sun was setting on it one day!

A quick stop to see Katie's favorite man in Athens, the bubble man.  Charlie loves chasing the bubbles and comes away sweaty!
 The girls and I had discovered the bubble man a few days before and Katie was super excited to come back!  He was in front of the convention center, a big open, breezy spot perfect for bubbles!

Our final big stop was the Temple of Olympian Zeus, which was built by the Romans.

View of the Acropolis from the Temple of Zeus.

This is what leads me to say that the Greeks built it better!  The temple collapsed during a storm. Seeing the piece of the column really make you think of a block tower that has gone over..or dominoes!

Athens really was a wonderful place to visit that our family will never forget!

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