Saturday, March 9, 2019

Greece-3-The Acropolis!

The weather is finally warm enough that we can head for the hill!  We unfortunately get the rudest ticket man to attempt to buy our passes.  Kids under 18 are free but he wants to see passports which are back in the room.  After some unpleasant words we head back for them.  For our next attempt we walk around to ticket booths on the other side so we can avoid him!  

A word about tickets, considering what you are seeing we found all the places in Greece to be extremely affordable.  Most museums were about 5 Euro an adult and the kids are free! The only place you can beat those prices is the Smithsonian!

We have seen some pretty amazing things in our travels and consider ourselves very lucky.  I found it so moving to be standing in front of the Parthenon, there was a part of me that still couldn't believe I was seeing it with my own eyes...and it was super special that our kids got to see it too!
Charlie made this while we sat at the top of the hill and waited for everyone to catch up 
He went lighting speed to the top to see the Parthenon, and told me all about it. as we walked around it.

The guy in the yellow wanted to join us!
I've recently been hearing about Marie Kondo and her methods of tidying up. It's good to see that the Greeks also have to figure out how to sort all of their stuff and figure out what sparks joy for them!  I loved their piles...

 Having stacked our woodpile in New Hampshire I could appreciate the fine stacking that went into this!

This also reminded me of when I play Legos with Charlie, for some reason I have zero Lego building skills, so I generally end up just sorting all of his Legos into piles...maybe I could get a job here?

Greg called this the Trucker Mud Flap Photo!!!
 The Greek flag proudly flies from the top, as you can see behind the kids in this photo!

The placard commemorates when two brave Greek teenagers, scaled the wall and took down the Nazi flag that was flown here in 1941 and instead flew the Greek flag.  The flag is very visible from all over the town below.  

Admiring the view from the top-thanks for the cool backpack Papa & Nana O'Brien!

Porch of the Caryatids

Spot where Poseidon & Athena battled for the city...

Olive tree that was originally supposed to have been planted by Athena as her gift.

These signs were everywhere but Greg decided he had to touch the marble because it was so cool to be touching something so old!

Thinking about what to touch next!

Real life Jenga!  The lady standing next to it is a "whistleblower"..if you got too close or touched something you should not have they would blow their whistles at you.  Greg never got whistled.but Charlie did for some of his climbing!

Making a bet and Dad was about to lose!

The view from the roof of our place, the beautiful building to our left is the Acropolis Museum.

At night we did a beautiful walk on the path that rings the Acropolis, look at that view!
 We headed back to our favorite pizza place and our game place!  We tried new games this times, both ones that the guy there recommended.  This one was very fun, you had to trick other people by laying down a picture that would throw everyone off.  Kelly was the winner...

 Then the guy recommended this Jenga like game, but it was way more fun.  If the pieces fell you put them back in the bag and the game kept going.

 It was all fun and games until Katie & Charlie started fighting in the booth...then we had to head out of there!

What an amazing day!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pictures! i hope ou had a special tour.
    i organized from here a family trip to Acropolis and i would liket o have the same memories with you! can you give me some tips for this place?
