Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Our first Springboks Game

Prior to coming to South Africa we watched the movie Invictus and learned about South Africa winning the rugby world cup and how the sport of rugby brought a nation together.

We have seen rugby matches here but never the national team the Springboks play.  They played at the stadium right in Pretoria, right near the Embassy on a Saturday afternoon.  So we got together a crew to tailgate and cheered them to victory over Australia.

 Our tailgate crew on the Embassy lawn, look at the beautiful Jacaranda tree blooming in the background!
 This guy was attempting to come in to the stadium and they wouldn't let him-can't imagine why?
I knew he was "blogworthy" as Kelly and Katie say!
Right before the national anthem, the best is the photo bomber guy and Kelly's reaction!
 A beautiful night for a game!
 Charlie lining up to catch one coming through the uprights, one actually came right towards us, I got a hand on it but the guy behind me ended up catching it.
Springboks win!  Such a cool experience to see a Springbok game in a packed stadium! 
 (even Katie didn't read a book and watched the game-progress!)

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