Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Super 7 September!

September was a blur, it began with a countdown to Charlie turning 7 (and getting his first pocketknife to be like MacGyver)  and ended with a countdown to his "movie" birthday party.  (which the entire class of 24 boys and families attended)  His party was such a success he cried on the way home because it was over.
Fortunately we could have the party at the American Community Center where all the boys could RUN!
 The brick pile was very popular...
The game on the stage turned into seeing how many of your friends you could hit with empty plastic soda bottles! (guess they are ready for college!)
 There was an entire playground, food, etc, and what did they play with?? Traffic cones of course!

 The sun sets early here so by 6:30, we were watching "Secret Life of Pets" on a beautiful South African night!  Kelly and Katie ran the projector and the sound.
One kid complained that he had to wait "forever" for his popcorn...I must admit the chef was a bit slow!

Everyone very excited for the cake!

September was also crazy busy for ice hockey, we had a million games and I had my coaching debut...not bad for having never played ice hockey!  The best was when we arrived they were cleaning up the ice after a "foam party".  Ice rinks here are all in malls and built for entertaining teenagers on weekend with public skating-not ice hockey!  Here is what the ice looked like when we got there- I thought it was melted-
Can you believe they do that voluntarily to the ice??  After we played they set up the fans & foam for another foam party-crazy!!
 Sunflower day at Charlie's school where boys could wear "Tubes of Hope" bandana type things, amazing what they came up with!!

You can give the kid all the presents in the world, but what does he want most?  A box...painted & tricked out with help from his sisters & Dad.

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