Thursday, October 20, 2016

Two Big Productions!

Kelly is in tenth grade here which is referred to as her "Debs" year.  This stands for Debutantes, I never thought my Massachusetts girl would be a debutante!  (sounds like something out of the Old South) All year they did fundraising as a group and all groups competed to see who could raise the most money for charity.

Kelly put all of her Girl Scout training to work and we sometimes feared she was spending too much time on Debs and not enough on school work!  The conclusion of the year of work was a big ball attended by Kelly, her date Dario (who plays on her hockey team) and her parents.  Lucky for her she has the coolest parents so she was thrilled to have us there...not really but as the blog author I can write what I like!

 The whole Debs group, as you can tell for the big night they must wear white!
 Kelly was voted by her group as the hardest worker, and she won a special necklace, these are all the other winners with their jewelry bags.

Kelly and some of her friends.

 Kelly with the Headmaster of the school, Father Patterson.
Kelly with her Deb's teacher... Here is a question for the O'Brien Family readers, who does the teacher look like??? That's right, like a double of my brother, Joe!

Charlie also had a big production, his first grade performed the Lion King.  Charlie was Fred the meerkat and he had some big lines to deliver with his best buddy Rhogan, who played Ned the other meerkat.

 We didn't realize his baseball tshirt underneath would show through the costume when he was onstage!

Here is his minute of fame!  Parents told me they loved his "accent"...
 Here was the picture of him at the entrance with his own quote.  Deep thoughts...
After the show with Rhogan.

All the school activities have been keeping us hopping, we look forward to the half term break starting tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! Kelly looks so grown up! And Charlie looks so cute! Glad Piper got to go see his production!
