Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas Markets & Visitors

We got to visit a few of our favorite Christmas markets with some special guests this year.  First Greg's family, Joanne & Mark and Martha & Judy.  Katie liked having the biggest cheering section at one of her basketball games.  Auntie Martha was not a fan of the refs!

They came to Brussels for a few days then set off for Germany and we caught up with them in Cologne. Cologne has several markets so we set off with our map and tried to see some that we missed last year.    This is the St. Nicholas Market in Cologne.

Next was the Angel Market, which was my favorite,
Information Angel..I didn't ask her any questions...but maybe I should have!

Every stall so well decorated and beautiful!
Here is Charlie with the ice cream cone building on top of his head! You can see the building in the next picture through the trees.  I have no idea why it has an ice cream cone on top!

I like all the stars in the trees probably gorgeous at night, we didn't see this one in the dark.

Charlie and I went ice skating at the coolest rink.  We went last year too so we knew where to find it.

From one of the pubs at the rink you could also do some curling, it was fun to watch the people play as we skated around.
 Last year we went to Cologne the weekend before Christmas and it was crazy busy.  This year we thought by going earlier in the season it would not be as crowded...boy were we wrong-it was crazy busy!  We walked from our dinner spot to find this but it was so crowded you could barely do a lap around it and keep everyone together.  We had to get Charlie a crepe so he could make it!

Thanks to my sis Colleen for taking this..a rare Hughes family photo!

My sis & I

The St. Nicholaus Market lit up at night..very beautiful!
 My sister Colleen came for a work trip to the Cargill plant here in Belgium and that inspired my parents to make the journey.  Greg was able to take a few days off and Mark, and my parents joined him on a guided tour of Normandy.

They had a full day with the guide and covered many of the sites.  We were happy that Charlie and Katie didn't have to last through a full day guided tour!  (I can only imagine the whining!)

The kids and I enjoyed our time at home with the Aunties (Joanne, Martha & Judy) while they were in Normandy.  The Aunties spoiled us with home cooked meals and homework help.  Kelly even got some proofreading on those darn college essays that are hanging over her head.  (thanks Auntie Judy)
I always like to see what the Newhaus Chocolate Shop window has on display, here was the Christmas theme.  I promised my family we'd go to the outlet store so we could taste all the chocolates and we did that the next day.
One evening we explored the Grand Place in Brussels and stayed to see the light show and the tree that I had heard so much about.  This year the country featured in Brussels is Finland and that is why the tree is blue...

Mom, Dad & Colleen get to see the Mannekin Pis statue

They really liked the tasting at the greatest chocolate outlet!
An insider tip from a friend was to see the Christmas Market in Monschau, Germany and I am so happy we did.  Here is a description of the town from a website, "Amidst the medieval town layout, with the stream Rur snaking through it, slate-clad houses dominate, and timber framed buildings with cafés, restaurants or artisan craft and souvenir shops."  The description is perfect and so was our visit.  
On our walk into the village we passed this place with the wooden shoes on the bricks.

Getting close!

What a place to display a Christmas village!

A quick photo before they headed out.. 
We are happy everyone made the trip, it was fun to catch up and explore some beautiful places!

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