Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Blaze of Glory...that ended in the Emergency Room!

Charlie and I get to watch Kelly in her first basketball game for St. Mary's, it was at the Pretoria Girls School which is right near the giant rugby stadium.  (seen looming in the background of the second photo)

One big difference here is that basketball is an outdoor sport!  I left our sunscreen in the car! Sorry about the fence in the photos, kind of forgot about that!

Kelly iced her free throws and played a fabulous game, then they started up a second game and a few minutes in Kelly and the girl she was guarding got tripped up and Kelly fell hard on her wrist and scraped up her knee and her shoulder.  Everyone started yelling, "First Aid" and a very nice lady in a full uniform came over and bandaged Kelly up.  Her arm was really hurting her so we had to head for Xrays.   Greg and Kelly navigated the South African healthcare system and they confirmed that Kelly had a fracture in her wrist. They put her in a plaster cast and sent her home. (Greg said he had not seen a plaster cast since he broke his leg in high school)

We went back in this morning to see the Orthopedic Doctor and he cut off the plaster and gave Kelly a brace to wear (seems like they don't like hard casts here).  Kelly is happy she can at least take a shower and take the brace off every now and then.  It was a hard day for her, pretty painful, Charlie and I did our best to cheer her up.  We even went for a mid-day movie at the mall, we saw Rio 2-very cute!  Katie was mad after school when she learned that not only did she have to go to school but she missed the movie!


  1. Poor Kelly. Hope her wrist mends fast! Good idea to go to a movie.

  2. yes i was very mad i didn't see the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Kelly looks like a natural in that first photo. Tell her to hurry up and get better and back on the courts!!
