Monday, May 19, 2014

Ziplining South African Style-Clip Yourself In!!!

We went to this incredible zip-lining place about 15 minutes from our temporary place.  (they said our house would be ready this Friday, now they say one more week-will be good to be settled whenever it happens!)  Our sponsor family the Fisks had been to this place before and they showed us the way.

I went zip-lining in the states back in October and I can't get over how different the experience was!  In the states you have two guides with your group, one in the front and one in the back.  When you are about to actually do any zipping, they clip you in and send you on your way.  Here in Africa, you clip yourself and you have one guide.  Also, they have all these crazy, very challenging obstacles to get between the various platforms.  We watched one lady in the group in front of us fail on one obstacle and the guide had to lower her down because she quit.  However our group all made it through and we all had an amazing time and Charlie even got to do the little kids course. (a zillion times)

Everyone was sad when we got home because it was Sunday night and back to another full week of school. This week Kelly has her first basketball game for the school team and Katie will have another field hockey game.  

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