Saturday, May 10, 2014

Irene craft market, camels too!

We join our social sponsors for a fun trip to the craft market in a town about 15 min away.  Great foods from the world, and amazing hand made crafts.  The kids  have fun spending their rand, Charlie buys a pop gun with the cork, and a cool soccer trainer ball that straps around your waist.  Old men throughout the market coach him on how to use it!
There are camels you can ride, they take you for a decent walk even past the scary watch out for cobra signs! (Green sign on left in photo) The camel didn't want to get up right away so they had to feed it an apple first!

We then went to a kids birthday party with another embassy family where everyone had a really good time, even though Greg lost at musical chairs when the host pulled the seat out from under him an we also saw a magic show and the magician told cheesy jokes that we had a great time laughing at!

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